Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Summer Returns......and Holidays Approaching.

Above:  A rather gorgeous Summer evening picture of Sungchan, former member
of K-Pop outfit NCT, who along with Shotaro left the group earlier this year to form a new
group called RIIZE.

Seems like our non existing Summer for this year is making a welcome return all this week.
I can't remember ever switching the Central Heating on and off throughout July, our normally
warmest month in the U.K.

Hopefully if all goes well, barring any train strikes, I should be taking off later next week for
my second holiday booking to Cornwall, something I secured last January.
I was planning on throwing up several new posts this morning, but things have been
so quiet lately on these pages (looking at the Stats) and several of our hardcore regular visitors
are nowhere to be seen despite their daily online activity.

So with a blog break approaching soon I'll no doubt stretch it out until Autumn. Even after sixteen years
blogging I've never been one to suffer cold turkey due to my online absence, a weakness of daily
Diary Kitchen Sink Bloggers (not gay eye candy bloggers).

Reminds me of that old great line...."Only good girls keep diaries. The other kind don't have
the time." 
So a busy constructive day awaits me with two building projects on the go. And it might get
quite warm this afternoon.


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